Donor Privacy Policy
Donor Privacy Policy For Contributors to Detroit Public Media d/b/a Detroit PBS
In its fundraising practices, Detroit PBS respects the privacy of its donors. From time to time, we may make the following uses of donor information:
- Like many nonprofits, we may exchange some of our donors’ names and postal addresses — nothing else — with carefully selected nonprofit educational, cultural, health, and social service organizations in the communities we serve. We will not exchange donor information with any political candidate, party, or committee, or with a Section 501(c)(4) advocacy group. We will not sell or rent our donor information to any organization or individual.
- We may exchange donor mailing list names with other public broadcasting stations or production organizations for the purpose of promotion of national programs or other activities that will benefit Detroit Public Media donors, or for the purpose of enabling other stations to offer membership benefits to donors who move from Detroit Public Media's service area to the other station’s service area.
- You, as a donor may, at any time, have your name excluded from any donor list exchange activity. Once you have asked to be excluded from any exchanges, this will remain in effect until changed by you. To update your information or to ask that your name be excluded from list exchange activity, please contact Us.
- We may provide donor information to research organizations hired by and working on behalf of Detroit Public Media or other public broadcasting stations or organizations (such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS) for the purpose of donor research, or for providing station member benefits, that will help support Detroit Public Media and/or the public broadcasting stations.
Thank you for your support of Detroit Public Media. It is greatly appreciated.
Donor Privacy Policy last updated April 19, 2018.