13th annual Detroit Month of Design explores how design can improve our everyday lives
Aug 31, 2023
The 13th annual Detroit Month of Design has arrived. Taking place all across Detroit throughout September, this cross-disciplinary design festival highlights Detroit’s UNESCO City of Design designation and the city’s role as a national and global design leader. The citywide celebration brings emerging studios and designers, established companies, educational institutions and the greater community together to share their latest works and ideas. In previous years, the festival has featured more than 175 creatives and more than 80 events, and has welcomed more than 50,000 people to Detroit’s neighborhoods.
Detroit’s UNESCO City of Design designation means the city is in partnership with 43 other cities across the globe through the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) which are using design innovations to improve the lives of everyday people. “This designation puts Detroit’s design assets to work, ensuring a more sustainable and equitable future for all Detroit residents,” their website states. Detroit is the first and only UNESCO-designated City of Design in the United States currently.
Heading into Detroit Month of Design 2023, Design Core Detroit Co-Executive Director Kiana Wenzell sat down with One Detroit contributor Cecelia Sharpe of 90.9 WRCJ for a robust discussion about what attendees will find at this year’s festival, which is themed “United by Design.” Wenzell also talks about how design intersects with the lives of everyday people. Plus, she shares more about the mission of Design Core Detroit, how the annual festival attracts designers and what she hopes people will take away from the month-long festival’s diverse programming.
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