Remembering Jonathon Clark

The Detroit Public Television community was saddened to hear of the passing of Mr. Jonathon Clark, a minister of City Covenant Church, 482Forward Board Chairman and one of our valued community partners in the Brightmoor neighborhood.

The One Detroit team first met Jonathon in late summer 2017 as we were searching for a venue to hold our education roadshow. We’d visited a few spaces in the Brightmoor neighborhood, but shortly after walking into City Covenant Church and sitting down in the pews to talk with Jonathon and Pastor Semmeal Thomas, we knew our search was over.

Leading up to the production day, Mr. Clark’s passion to serve Brightmoor’s families and students as well as his knowledge of the neighborhood made him invaluable to us as we mapped out the broadcast. In preparation for the taping, no detail escaped his attention. He’d even gone so far as to help hang our signs in the sanctuary. In the actual education roadshow taping, he participated as a panelist on behalf of 482 Forward, sharing what Brightmoor parents’ deepest concerns, frustrations and hopes were concerning their children’s education.

In preparing to return to City Covenant for a second 2019  One Detroit / American Black Journal roadshow on education, “Are the Kids All Right?”, he and his wife, Dawn Wilson-Clark, shared about the important work they were heading up with the Brightmoor Eduation Action Team to address one of the biggest issues for the kids in the community — trauma. Their commitment to the cause led to an event they’d spearheaded at the church, Brightmoor’s first “Healing Day,” which was dedicated to normalizing trauma and connecting families with resources.

He will be missed. We at Detroit PBS were grateful to cross paths with him and to come to a greater understanding of Brightmoor — the neighborhood he and his family called home–because of him. Our condolences are with his wife, Dawn Wilson-Clark, their children and loved ones in this difficult time.

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