TV Schedule | WTVS

Service Provider: Broadcast


CH 56.1

TimeMon, Mar 31Tue, Apr 1Wed, Apr 2Thu, Apr 3Fri, Apr 4Sat, Apr 5Sun, Apr 6
12:00 am--Amanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and Company--
12:30 amCall the MidwifeAmanpour and Company---Amanpour and CompanyAll New Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music Presents)
1:00 am--Benise -- 25 Years of PassionAmerica Made With LoveSupercharge Your Brain: Maximizing Your Cognitive Abilities--
1:30 amWolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light on MasterpieceAll New Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music Presents)---Brit Floyd: P·U·L·S·E 2024 Live-
2:30 amMarie-Antoinette-Classical Rewind (My Music Presents)Memory Makeover With Daniel Amen, MDAging Backwards 3: Fast Track With Miranda Esmonde-White-Benise -- 25 Years of Passion
3:00 am-----All New Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music Presents)-
3:30 amYoung Forever With Mark Hyman, MDMemory Makeover With Daniel Amen, MD--Ken Burns: America's Storyteller--
4:00 am--Behind the Scenes of Leonardo da Vinci With Ken Burns---Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble: Live at the El Mocambo
4:30 am---5 Minute Yoga Fix With Peggy Cappy---
5:00 am-----Rick Steves' Festive Europe-
5:30 amAmerican Black JournalGreat GetawaysJust AskDetroit PerformsOne DetroitFit 2 StitchThe Best of the Joy of Painting
6:00 amBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsFons & Porter's Love of QuiltingThe Best of the Joy of Painting
6:30 amClassical Stretch: By EssentricsClassical Stretch: By EssentricsClassical Stretch: By EssentricsClassical Stretch: By EssentricsClassical Stretch: By EssentricsBest of Sewing With NancyMister Rogers' Neighborhood
7:00 amWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsPainting and Travel With Roger & Sarah BansemerNature Cat: The Nature-tastic Four Movie!
7:30 amAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's WayThe Best of the Joy of Painting-
8:00 amLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopAntiques RoadshowOdd Squad
8:30 amCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the Collector-Great Lakes Now
9:00 amDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodThis Old HouseOne Detroit
9:30 amRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's RulesAsk This Old HouseAmerican Black Journal
10:00 amSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetWoodsmith ShopMotorWeek
10:30 amWork It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Under the Radar MichiganFiring Line With Margaret Hoover
11:00 amDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey HodieMichigan Out of DoorsTo the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé
11:30 amPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificView FindersWashington Week With The Atlantic
12:00 pmElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyTravels With DarleyArab American Stories
12:30 pmNature CatNature CatNature CatNature Cat: The Nature-tastic Four Movie!Nature CatSara's Weeknight MealsArab American Stories
1:00 pmWild KrattsWild KrattsWild Kratts-Wild KrattsPati's Mexican TableArab American Stories
1:30 pmMolly of DenaliMolly of DenaliMolly of DenaliMolly of DenaliMolly of DenaliLidia's KitchenArab American Stories
2:00 pmRick Steves' EuropeSamantha Brown's Places to LoveRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeMilk Street's My Family RecipeHoratio's Drive: America's First Road Trip
2:30 pmFather BrownJoseph Rosendo's Steppin' OutDetroit PerformsCurious TravelerPati's Mexican TableChristopher Kimball's Milk Street Television-
3:00 pm-Antiques RoadshowFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.NatureNOVAAmerica's Test Kitchen-
3:29 pmMidsomer Murders------
3:30 pm-----Cook's Country-
4:00 pm-American ExperienceAmerican MastersThe Future of NatureA Brief History of the FutureThis Old HouseWorld on Fire on Masterpiece
4:22 pmMidsomer Murders------
4:30 pm-----Ask This Old House-
5:00 pm---Planet CaliforniaA Brief History of the FutureFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.World on Fire on Masterpiece
5:01 pmDeath in Paradise------
6:00 pmPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News WeekendPBS News Weekend
6:30 pm-----Death in ParadiseRick Steves' Europe
7:00 pmBBC News The ContextBBC News The ContextBBC News The ContextBBC News The ContextBBC News The Context-Sister Boniface Mysteries
7:30 pmGreat Lakes NowAmerican Black JournalDetroit PerformsOne DetroitOff the RecordFather Brown-
8:00 pmAntiques RoadshowFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.NatureMichigan Out of DoorsConcert of Colors-Call the Midwife
8:30 pm---Under the Radar Michigan-Midsomer Murders-
9:00 pmSpotlight Detroit: Short films featuring Kresge Artist Fellows and the 2025 Eminent ArtistAmerican MastersNOVAHoratio's Drive: America's First Road TripAustin City Limits Celebrates 50 Years-Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light on Masterpiece
9:33 pm-----Midsomer Murders-
10:00 pm--The Future of Nature---Marie-Antoinette
10:01 pm-----Sherlock on Masterpiece-
10:30 pmGoing Your Way------
11:00 pm-Broadway's Brightest LightsGreat Lakes NowFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.Brit Floyd: P·U·L·S·E 2024 Live-Velvet
11:30 pmThe Cost of Caring-Under the Radar Michigan----
11:31 pm-----Austin City Limits-

Detroit PBS Kids HDTV

CH 56.2

TimeMon, Mar 31Tue, Apr 1Wed, Apr 2Thu, Apr 3Fri, Apr 4Sat, Apr 5Sun, Apr 6
12:00 amLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the Loop
12:30 amArthurArthurArthurArthurArthurArthurArthur
1:00 amOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd Squad
1:30 amSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsville
2:00 amWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild Kratts: Our Blue and Green WorldWild Kratts
2:30 amReady Jet Go!Wild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild Kratts-Ready Jet Go!
3:00 amMystery LeagueLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopDinosaur Train: Nature Trackers Adventure Camp
3:30 amMystery LeagueNature CatNature CatNature Cat: Nature Cat's Nature Movie Special ExtraordinaireNature Cat: The Nature-tastic Four Movie!Nature Cat: Nature Cat's Nature Movie Special Extraordinaire-
4:00 amMystery LeagueMolly of DenaliMolly of Denali---Dinosaur Train: What's at the Center of the Earth?
4:30 amMystery LeagueHero ElementaryHero ElementaryCarl the CollectorHero ElementaryHero Elementary-
5:00 amCyberchaseCyberchaseCyberchaseCarl the CollectorCyberchaseCyberchaseCyberchase
5:30 amLet's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Carl the CollectorLet's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!
6:00 amClifford the Big Red DogClifford the Big Red DogClifford the Big Red DogClifford the Big Red DogClifford the Big Red DogThe Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!
6:30 amSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetDinosaur TrainDinosaur Train
7:00 amPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & PeterrificPinkalicious & Peterrific
7:30 amMecha BuildersMecha BuildersMecha BuildersMecha BuildersMecha BuildersPeg + CatPeg + Cat
8:00 amSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame StreetSesame Street
8:30 amMiloMiloMiloMiloMiloMiloMilo
9:00 amWork It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!
9:30 amWork It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!Work It Out Wombats!
10:00 amDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's Neighborhood
10:30 amDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodDaniel Tiger's Neighborhood
11:00 amCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the CollectorCarl the Collector
11:30 amCurious GeorgeCurious GeorgeCarl the CollectorCurious GeorgeCurious GeorgeCurious GeorgeCurious George
12:00 pmDonkey HodieDonkey HodieCarl the CollectorDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey Hodie
12:30 pmDonkey HodieDonkey HodieCarl the CollectorDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey HodieDonkey Hodie
1:00 pmElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyCarl the CollectorElinor Wonders WhyElinor Wonders WhyNature Cat: The Nature-tastic Four Movie!Elinor Wonders Why
1:30 pmRosie's RulesRosie's RulesCarl the CollectorRosie's RulesRosie's Rules-Super Why!
2:00 pmRosie's RulesRosie's RulesCarl the CollectorRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's Rules
2:30 pmXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumCarl the CollectorXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
3:00 pmAlma's WayAlma's WayCarl the CollectorAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's Way
3:30 pmAlma's WayAlma's WayCarl the CollectorAlma's WayAlma's WayMolly of DenaliMolly of Denali
4:00 pmLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the Loop
4:30 pmArthurArthurArthurArthurArthurArthurArthur
5:00 pmOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd SquadOdd Squad
5:30 pmSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsvilleSkillsville
6:00 pmWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild Kratts: Our Blue and Green WorldWild KrattsWild Kratts
6:30 pmWild KrattsWild KrattsWild KrattsWild Kratts-Ready Jet Go!Ready Jet Go!
7:00 pmLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopLyla in the LoopDinosaur Train: Nature Trackers Adventure CampDinosaur Train: Nature Trackers Adventure Camp
7:30 pmNature CatNature CatNature Cat: Nature Cat's Nature Movie Special ExtraordinaireNature Cat: The Nature-tastic Four Movie!Nature Cat: Nature Cat's Nature Movie Special Extraordinaire--
8:00 pmMolly of DenaliMolly of Denali---Dinosaur Train: What's at the Center of the Earth?Dinosaur Train: What's at the Center of the Earth?
8:30 pmHero ElementaryHero ElementaryCarl the CollectorHero ElementaryHero Elementary--
9:00 pmCyberchaseCyberchaseCarl the CollectorCyberchaseCyberchaseCyberchaseCyberchase
9:30 pmLet's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Carl the CollectorLet's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!Let's Go Luna!
10:00 pmRosie's RulesRosie's RulesCarl the CollectorRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's RulesRosie's Rules
10:30 pmXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumCarl the CollectorXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret MuseumXavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
11:00 pmAlma's WayAlma's WayCarl the CollectorAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's WayAlma's Way
11:30 pmAlma's WayAlma's WayCarl the CollectorAlma's WayAlma's WayMolly of DenaliMolly of Denali

WTVS Create

CH 56.3

TimeMon, Mar 31Tue, Apr 1Wed, Apr 2Thu, Apr 3Fri, Apr 4Sat, Apr 5Sun, Apr 6
12:00 amChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTable for All with Buki Elegbede
12:30 amAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionLidia's KitchenChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionTo Dine For With Kate SullivanCook's Country
1:00 amAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedSimply MingThe Key Ingredient with Sheri CastleHomemade Live!Kevin Belton's New Orleans CelebrationsTo Dine For With Kate SullivanCiao Italia
1:30 amChristina Cooks: Back to the Cutting BoardCook's CountryJoanne Weir's Plates and PlacesCook's CountryPati's Mexican TableTo Dine For With Kate SullivanJazzy Vegetarian
2:00 amDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedThe Best of the Joy of Painting
2:30 amDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyMilk Street's My Family RecipeThe Best of the Joy of Painting
3:00 amNo Passport RequiredBaking With JuliaPati's Mexican TableCook's CountryTable for All with Buki ElegbedeCiao ItaliaNo Passport Required
3:30 am-New Scandinavian CookingUnder the Radar MichiganAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's Illustrated-
4:00 amRick Steves Art of EuropeThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseRick Steves Art of Europe
4:30 am-Ask This Old HouseJ Schwanke's Life in BloomYndi YogaYoga in PracticeAsk This Old House-
5:00 amJazzy VegetarianRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeJazzy Vegetarian
5:30 amChristina Cooks: Back to the Cutting BoardThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingChristina Cooks: Back to the Cutting Board
6:00 amCraft in AmericaP. Allen Smith's Garden HomeStart UpMy World TooGardenFitClassical Stretch: By EssentricsClassical Stretch: By Essentrics
6:30 am-J Schwanke's Life in BloomYndi YogaYoga in PracticeFamily Plot: Gardening in the Mid-SouthYndi YogaHappy Yoga With Sarah Starr
7:00 amBest of Sewing With NancyQuilting ArtsFit 2 StitchFons & Porter's Love of QuiltingBest of Sewing With NancyFons & Porter's Love of QuiltingMake Your Mark
7:30 amPaint This With Jerry YarnellPainting and Travel With Roger & Sarah BansemerJoy of Painting With Nicholas Hankins: Bob Ross' Unfinished SeasonPocket Sketching With Kath MacaulayPaint This With Jerry YarnellCanvasing the World With Sean DiedikerPainting and Travel With Roger & Sarah Bansemer
8:00 amThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseAsk This Old HouseClassical Stretch: By Essentrics
8:30 amAsk This Old HouseJ Schwanke's Life in BloomYndi YogaYoga in PracticeAsk This Old HouseThis Old HouseClassical Stretch: By Essentrics
9:00 amDining With the ChefPati's Mexican TableCook's CountryTable for All with Buki ElegbedeCiao ItaliaGrowing a Greener WorldJazzy Vegetarian
9:30 amJacques Pépin: Heart & SoulHow She RollsAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedGardenFitChristina Cooks: Back to the Cutting Board
10:00 amCurious TravelerFly Brother With Ernest White IIDream of ItalyBare Feet With Mickela MallozziCycle Around Japan HighlightsTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTrails to Oishii Tokyo
10:30 amIreland With MichaelJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeOutside: Beyond the LensJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeSamantha Brown's Places to LoveTo Dine For With Kate SullivanJourneys in Japan
11:00 amRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeTo Dine For With Kate SullivanJ Schwanke's Life in Bloom
11:30 amThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingTo Dine For With Kate SullivanFamily Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South
12:00 pmBaking With JuliaPati's Mexican TableCook's CountryTable for All with Buki ElegbedeCiao ItaliaTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
12:30 pmNew Scandinavian CookingHow She RollsAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
1:00 pmBest of Sewing With NancyQuilting ArtsFit 2 StitchFons & Porter's Love of QuiltingBest of Sewing With NancyTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
1:30 pmPaint This With Jerry YarnellPainting and Travel With Roger & Sarah BansemerJoy of Painting With Nicholas Hankins: Bob Ross' Unfinished SeasonPocket Sketching With Kath MacaulayPaint This With Jerry YarnellTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
2:00 pmThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseThis Old HouseTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
2:30 pmAsk This Old HouseJ Schwanke's Life in BloomYndi YogaYoga in PracticeAsk This Old HouseTo Dine For With Kate SullivanTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
3:00 pmBest of Sewing With NancyQuilting ArtsFit 2 StitchFons & Porter's Love of QuiltingBest of Sewing With NancyThis Old HouseTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
3:30 pmAmerica's Test KitchenCook's CountryAmerica's Test KitchenCook's CountryAmerica's Test KitchenAsk This Old HouseTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
4:00 pmBaking With JuliaPati's Mexican TableCook's CountryTable for All with Buki ElegbedeCiao ItaliaAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
4:30 pmJacques Pépin: Heart & SoulHow She RollsAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedGreat GetawaysTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
5:00 pmCurious TravelerFly Brother With Ernest White IIDream of ItalyBare Feet With Mickela MallozziCycle Around Japan HighlightsRick Steves Art of EuropeMilk Street's My Family Recipe
5:30 pmIreland With MichaelJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeOutside: Beyond the LensJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeSamantha Brown's Places to Love-Simply Ming
6:00 pmRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeThe Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah's Legacy
6:30 pmMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionLidia's Kitchen
7:00 pmSimply MingThe Key Ingredient with Sheri CastleHomemade Live!Kevin Belton's New Orleans CelebrationsFresh GlassChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
7:30 pmCook's CountryJoanne Weir's Plates and PlacesCook's CountryPati's Mexican TableCook's CountryPati's Mexican TableCook's Country
8:00 pmAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionLidia's KitchenChristopher Kimball's Milk Street TelevisionAmerica's Test Kitchen From Cook's IllustratedNo Passport RequiredNo Passport Required
8:30 pmMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family RecipeMilk Street's My Family Recipe--
9:00 pmDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyDream of ItalyTo Dine For With Kate SullivanThe Best of the Joy of PaintingTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
9:30 pmDream of ItalyUnder the Radar MichiganDream of ItalyDream of ItalyTo Dine For With Kate SullivanThe Best of the Joy of PaintingTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan
10:00 pmRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeRick Steves' EuropeTo Dine For With Kate SullivanRick Steves Art of EuropeRick Steves Art of Europe
10:30 pmIreland With MichaelJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeOutside: Beyond the LensJoseph Rosendo's TravelscopeTo Dine For With Kate Sullivan--
11:00 pmRudy Maxa's WorldFly Brother With Ernest White IIDream of ItalyBare Feet With Mickela MallozziTo Dine For With Kate SullivanBaking With JuliaNew Scandinavian Cooking
11:30 pmThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingThe Best of the Joy of PaintingTo Dine For With Kate SullivanPati's Mexican TableHow She Rolls

WTVS World

CH 56.4

TimeMon, Mar 31Tue, Apr 1Wed, Apr 2Thu, Apr 3Fri, Apr 4Sat, Apr 5Sun, Apr 6
12:00 amNatureAmerican ExperienceNOVAInto the Night: Darkness and LightAmerica ReFramedPacific HeartbeatThe Great Muslim American Road Trip
1:00 amFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.N of 1The Future of Nature--Pacific HeartbeatA Town Called Victoria
1:30 am----Justice in Chester--
2:00 amJacqueline du Pré: Genius and Tragedy-Our GorongosaGoing Your WayBridging Divides: Sharing HeartbeatsIndependent LensAmerica ReFramed
2:30 am-Stories From the Stage-----
3:00 am-PBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News Hour-
3:30 amPOV Shorts-----Justice in Chester
4:00 amAgatha Christie: Lucy Worsley on the Mystery QueenAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyN of 1
5:00 amThe Black Sox Scandal: American StoriesTurning PointGraceball: The Story of Bobby RichardsonThe Black Sox Scandal: American StoriesPOV ShortsOur Gorongosa-
5:30 am----Stories From the Stage-Stories From the Stage
6:00 amBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsThe Whitney Reynolds ShowOn Story
6:30 amThe Whitney Reynolds ShowAsia InsightGZERO World With Ian BremmerStory in the Public SquareCloser to Truth: Philosophy of BiologyConsuelo Mack WealthTrackTo the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé
7:00 amNewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoTo the Contrary With Bonnie ErbéWashington Week With The Atlantic
7:27 amNewsline in Depth------
7:28 am-Direct TalkDirect TalkDirect TalkDirect Talk--
7:30 am-----Washington Week With The AtlanticThe Open Mind
7:40 amDirect Talk------
7:43 am-Short ProgramShort ProgramShort ProgramShort Program--
8:00 amNatureAmerican ExperienceNOVAInto the Night: Darkness and LightAmerica ReFramedPacific HeartbeatFocus on Europe
8:30 am------Global Us
9:00 amFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.N of 1The Future of Nature--Pacific HeartbeatAmerica ReFramed
9:30 am----Justice in Chester--
10:00 amJacqueline du Pré: Genius and Tragedy-Our GorongosaGoing Your WayBridging Divides: Sharing HeartbeatsIndependent Lens-
10:30 am-Stories From the Stage----Justice in Chester
11:00 am-Turning PointGraceball: The Story of Bobby RichardsonThe Black Sox Scandal: American StoriesPOV ShortsConsuelo Mack WealthTrackThe Chavis Chronicles
11:30 amPOV Shorts---Stories From the StageThe Whitney Reynolds ShowLaura Flanders & Friends
12:00 pmAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyAmanpour and CompanyInto the Night: Darkness and LightGreat Lakes Now
12:30 pm------America's Heartland
1:00 pmThe Whitney Reynolds ShowConsuelo Mack WealthTrackTo the Contrary With Bonnie ErbéStory in the Public SquareGZERO World With Ian Bremmer-This American Land
1:30 pmThe Open MindAsia InsightEnergy SwitchSecond Opinion With Joan LundenCloser to Truth: Philosophy of Biology-Start Up
2:00 pmQueen of SwingPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPOV ShortsPacific HeartbeatBloomberg Wall Street Week
2:30 pm-Poetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaStories From the Stage--
3:00 pmAwakening in Taos: The Mabel Dodge Luhan StoryPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaAmerica ReFramedPacific HeartbeatThe Open Mind
3:30 pm-Poetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in America--ICT Newscast With Aliyah Chavez
4:00 pmForgotten Fame: The Marion Miley StoryPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in America-Independent LensGlobal Us
4:30 pm-Poetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaPoetry in AmericaJustice in Chester-On Story
5:00 pmDW NewsDW NewsDW NewsDW NewsDW NewsPBS News WeekendPBS News Weekend
5:30 pmBBC News AmericaBBC News AmericaBBC News AmericaBBC News AmericaBBC News AmericaAmerican Black JournalOne Detroit
6:00 pmFrance 24France 24France 24France 24France 24One DetroitDetroit Performs
6:30 pmNHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NewslineDetroit PerformsAmerican Black Journal
7:00 pmAmerican ExperienceNOVAInto the Night: Darkness and LightBridging Divides: Sharing HeartbeatsPacific HeartbeatAgatha Christie: Lucy Worsley on the Mystery QueenHistory With David Rubenstein
7:30 pm------History With David Rubenstein
8:00 pmN of 1The Future of Nature-America ReFramedPacific HeartbeatThe Great Muslim American Road TripNature
9:00 pm-Our GorongosaGoing Your Way-Independent LensA Town Called VictoriaFinding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
9:30 pmStories From the Stage--Justice in Chester---
10:00 pmPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourPBS News HourAmerica ReFramedAmerican Masters
11:00 pmThe DayThe DayThe DayThe DayBloomberg Wall Street Week--
11:30 pmBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC NewsBBC News-Justice in Chester-

Michigan Learning Channel

CH 56.5

TimeMon, Mar 31Tue, Apr 1Wed, Apr 2Thu, Apr 3Fri, Apr 4Sat, Apr 5Sun, Apr 6
12:00 amNOVAJane Adams: Together We RiseNOVA-Life at the Waterhole10 Towns That Changed America-
1:00 amNOVARoadtrip NationNOVAJacqueline du Pré: Genius and TragedyNatureHoratio's Drive: America's First Road TripAustin City Limits Celebrates 50 Years
1:30 am-Start Up-----
2:00 amThe Future of NatureShaking It Up: The Life and Times of Liz CarpenterThe Future of Nature-Life at the Waterhole--
2:30 am---NEXT at the Kennedy Center---
3:00 amNOVASummoned: Frances Perkins and the General WelfareNOVA-Life at the Waterhole10 Streets That Changed AmericaAmerican Masters
3:30 am---Joni Mitchell: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song---
4:00 amNOVAJane Adams: Together We RiseNOVA-Life at the Waterhole--
5:00 amLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's Learn
6:00 amWimee's WordsWimee's WordsDoodles and Digits: How It's MathWimee's WordsDoodles and Digits: How It's MathWimee's WordsWimee's Words
6:30 amRead Write Roar PreschoolAlbie's ElevatorAlbie's ElevatorRead Write Roar PreschoolAlbie's ElevatorAlbie's ElevatorRead Write Roar Preschool
7:00 amLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's Learn
8:00 amCyberchaseCyberchaseDoodles and Digits: How It's MathCyberchaseDoodles and Digits: How It's MathCyberchaseCyberchase
8:30 amRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar KindergartenRead Write Roar Kindergarten
9:00 amMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: KindergartenMath Mights: Kindergarten
9:30 amReading BuddiesAlbie's ElevatorAlbie's ElevatorReading BuddiesAlbie's ElevatorAlbie's ElevatorReading Buddies
10:00 amRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st GradeRead Write Roar 1st Grade
10:30 amMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First GradeMath Mights: First Grade
11:00 amRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd GradeRead Write Roar 2nd Grade
11:30 amMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second GradeMath Mights: Second Grade
12:00 pmRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd GradeRead Write Roar 3rd Grade
12:30 pmMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third GradeMath Mights: Third Grade
1:00 pmRead Write Roar Fourth & Fifth GradeThe Infinite Art HuntRead Write Roar Fourth & Fifth GradeThe Infinite Art HuntRead Write Roar Fourth & Fifth GradeCyberchaseCyberchase
1:30 pmWimee's WordsWimee's WordsBiz Kid$Wimee's WordsWimee's WordsBiz Kid$Wimee's Words
2:00 pmAlbie's ElevatorRoadtrip Nation: Being YouMutually InclusiveDetroit PerformsMutually InclusiveDetroit PerformsRoadtrip Nation: Being You
2:30 pmRead Write Roar Pre-K-Albie's ElevatorRead Write Roar PreschoolAlbie's ElevatorRead Write Roar Preschool-
3:00 pmExtra CreditMake It ArtsyMake48Make It ArtsyMake48Extra CreditHigh-School Bowl
3:30 pm-50 States of SustainabilityExtra Credit50 States of Sustainability--High-School Bowl
4:00 pmMath ParkInto the OutdoorsMath ParkInto the OutdoorsQuiz CentralUntamedUntamed
4:30 pmDIY Science TimeSciGirlsDIY Science TimeSciGirlsDIY Science TimeSciGirlsDIY Science Time
5:00 pmCurious CrewCurious CrewCurious CrewCurious CrewCurious CrewCurious CrewCurious Crew
5:30 pmStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTVStory Pirates Presents: SPTV
6:00 pmLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's LearnLet's Learn
7:00 pmReading BuddiesThe Good EggsThe Reading League's Reading BuddiesThe Good EggsReading BuddiesReading BuddiesReading Buddies
7:30 pmThe Nap Time ShowThe Nap Time ShowThe Nap Time ShowExtra CreditThe Nap Time ShowThe Nap Time ShowThe Nap Time Show
8:00 pmThe Career CenterSingle-Use PlanetOne DetroitSingle-Use PlanetGreat Lakes NowSingle-Use PlanetDetroit Performs
8:30 pmStart Up-One Detroit-Building The Reading Brain-Building The Reading Brain
9:00 pmRoadtrip NationNOVAJacqueline du Pré: Genius and TragedyNatureHoratio's Drive: America's First Road TripAustin City Limits Celebrates 50 YearsNOVA
9:30 pmStart Up------
10:00 pmShaking It Up: The Life and Times of Liz CarpenterThe Future of Nature-Life at the Waterhole--The Future of Nature
10:30 pm--NEXT at the Kennedy Center----
11:00 pmSummoned: Frances Perkins and the General WelfareNOVA-Life at the Waterhole10 Streets That Changed AmericaAmerican MastersWater: A scared Gift
11:30 pm--Joni Mitchell: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song----